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كلمة الجامعة البهائية العالمية فى مؤتمر قمة باريس للمناخ 2015At COP21 Baha’is see movement toward unity


نشر فى 14 ديسمبر على موقع الجامعة البهائية العالمية .


مندوب الجامعة البهائية العالمية فى مؤتمر قمة المناخ بباريس  عام 2015

BIC representative Serik Tokbolat speaks on a panel regarding community resilience in the face of climate-driven extreme events.

— The outcome of last week’s UN Conference on Climate Change, known as COP21, which resulted in an accord signed by 196 nations to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, reflects a significant step towards greater unity and cooperation among nations as the world learns to face major global challenges, says the Baha’i International Community (BIC).
